KimiZen online learning growth programs are holistic, pragmatic and give you relatable tips that you can implement right away. I offer live workshops and on-demand as a downloadable resource.

personal growth plan

Personal Growth On-Demand

This course is for those who want to transform their personal lives and want to unleash empowering beliefs, habits and strengthen their emotional well-being.

  • how to take control when we can’t control the outside world
  • how to start small habits that become part of your day to day
  • Pragmatic tips on how you can start and end your day
  • how caffein and/or sugar affect us and what we can do about it
  • tips for a better sleep and why it is so important in our lives
  • experience a positive shift in your behaviour and thought patterns


Through a change in mental well-being, nutrition, exercise and other factors you can more easily reach your potential.


Register for Live dates (CET):

14 April 2022 at 6pm

Holistic Parenting On-Demand

This course is for parents who want to grow confident children and consciously want to raise a balanced child, who is empowered.

  • the importance of self-confidence, boundaries and being a good role model
  • power of language and communication
  • tips that will help you empower your children
  • success is the result of small habits that we repeated
  • the key habits of centarians and healthy habits
  • breakfast and healthy “brainfoods”
  • tips on how to train your brain and tips that can help you memorise information
  • tips for a better sleep and the importance


I’ve condensed years of profound research, insights, what I’ve learned and implemented in my own life that have helped me raise a self-confident and joyful boy.


Register for Live dates EST:

13 March 2022 at 5pm

Tea Classes

Japanese Teas

In this class you will be introduced to:

  • the history of tea.
  • the production process of Japanese teas.
  • the characteristics of these teas.
  • the health benefits of green tea.




Tea 101 Class

After this class you will know:

  • the six different types of tea.
  • the tea processing stages.
  • the flavour notes of the main types of tea.
  • some of the health benefits of tea.




If you want to find out when I launch new courses, just drop your name and email into the boxes. I am constantly developing new materials. See you soon.

